101 Great Road #166, Bedford, MA 01730

(855) 246 3980 info@cosenta.com

Data & Integration Services

In today’s world there's no lack of data; it is everywhere. What is lacking is the ability to use data in a way that optimizes your endeavors. People, businesses and organizations often think of data as static, but it is not; it is ever-changing, evolving and growing in ways that is difficult to track, let alone understand and utilize.

This is where Cosenta can help. Our Data Service offerings are designed to make sense of chaos and help clients better control and use the data available to them, to more effectively meet current objectives and formulate future goals they never even consider previously.


Enterprise Data Strategy

Is your organization capturing the data it needs to make the best decisions for today’s market place or regulatory environment? How about for the market place or regulatory environment five years out?

Enterprise Data Strategy helps an organization answer questions like these. An organization’s data is ever-changing, evolving and growing, so an organization that wants to proactively use its data over the long-term will need to develop an Enterprise Data Strategy for controlling its dynamic nature. A good Enterprise Data Strategy can help tie Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence (BI), and Master Data Management efforts all together into a holistic plan of action for an organization’s data universe.

Cosenta can help organization formulate and execute an Enterprise Data Strategy. Our Enterprise Data Strategy support will help organizations identify the data it needs today and in the future to formulate actionable information to gain a competitive advantage in forecasting, planning, regulatory compliance, and mission performance.  Cosenta’s focus would extend beyond an organization’s leaders, and would also engage with line-workers, to fully understand an organization’s data needs and wants. This ensures the Enterprise Data Strategy facilitation process will be as comprehensive and value-added as possible.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is one of the most misunderstood terms in the data services area. It has come to be used as a buzzword for anything dealing with data; from data warehousing, to reporting, to dashboarding. This is understandable, because these and similar technologies all relate to BI. However, BI is more of a process than technology tool sets or applications. BI is about getting the right information to the right people, who can use it whenever they may need it. It may involve a DWH, report and/or dashboard, but it doesn’t have to be.

At Cosenta BI is not a buzz word - it is a core competency, and we are experienced in teaching the intricacies of BI to others. We work with clients to create and/or prove that the measures or key performance indicators (KPIs) in a given report or database is providing true and actuate information. We analyze what questions organizational leaders are asking and then work out how to get them the data they need to find the answers. We take the time to learn how people work in a given organization, so the data they need is available in a timely manner, and not just fast; as “fast” and “timely” are not always the same thing. And we have ample experience building, configuring, and customizing various types of visualization and knowledge mining tools that support an organization's BI “end-game,” which we can put to use for our clients.



Master Data Management

Too often data management is an afterthought, or worse it is not considered at all. Data is not an employee you can talk to or mentor, it is not a system you can code, nor is it a structure you can touch and renovate. Many feel, intuitively, that data is too nebulous to manage; it is just something to generate, store and use. However, data is also an asset, and like any asset it will require “care and feeding” for it to realize its potential. How does an organization become better at using its data? It becomes better at managing its data; this is where Cosenta can help.

There are specific approaches (e.g. processes, governance, policies, standards, and tools) that can be used to ensure an organization is consistent in how it defines the data is produces and/or uses. Cosenta's approach to Data Management helps validate that the same data in different systems are defined in the same way, data duplication is kept to a minimum, and that there is a well maintained single point of reference for all of an organization’s critical data. Cosenta helps clients better understand these data management approaches and tailor these methods to fit an organization specific needs and circumstances.

Data Warehousing

With our experience building data warehouses (DWH) in tow, Cosenta can assist our clients in upgrading, enhancing, or re-platforming existing DWHs, or in building new DWHs and/or operational data stores (ODS). Cosenta has expertise in assessing and implementing the core components of a DWH and/or ODS. We are intimately familiar with a wide variety of data formats; we’ve built low latency data movement process with a number of tool sets, and we’ve created and extended robust industry specific data models.

Building and maintaining a DWH and/or ODS is one of the hardest things an organization can do, from a technology system perspective. Given the ever growing importance of data however, it is something that often can’t, or shouldn't, be pushed off; Cosenta can help ease the way.
